Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
Unit 7
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
How Wish I Weren’t Shy!
Preview the topic
How many times have you felt angry whit your self because you were too shy to speak up when you really wanted to have to conversation whit others person? Are parties times for standing in the corner and watching others chat and dance-afraid to join them? Do you listen to discussions but do not give your opinions because you think you are not smart enough? Do you wish you be friendly but don't know how? All these thoughts lead to unhappy feelings.
This kind of unhappiness comes about not because other people are trying to hurt us. We make this unhappiness for ourselves. Naturally, we really don't to hurt ourselves, but often we group up thinking we are not as good as others we are inferior, everyone is better, smarter, and more interesting. These negative thought make us shy. Why do we do this to ourselves? Only a psychologist can discover the reasons. It is interesting to note that very large numbers of people are shy. There is however, good news. If we want to get rid of shyness, it can be done.
We can help ourselves be rid of shyness. Nobody is perfect, and everybody has good qualities. Is it fair to pay attention to our imperfections and overlook our good qualities? Definitely not! The following suggestions may be helpful in reducing shyness.
1. First, understand that you cannot eliminate shyness overnight. It is a slow process that you must work in gradually.
2. Think about situations when being shy is most painful. Perhaps your biggest problem is making small talk with a stranger at a party. In that case, prepare yourself whit some interesting current news to talk about. The weather is a topic often used for starting conversations.
3. Getting the other person to talk about himself/herself is a clever idea. Many people enjoy talking about themselves-or giving their opinions. For example, you can say something like, "I notice you like modern jewelry; your rings are very unusual. Did you design them yourself?" This can be the start of a friendship.
4. Whenever you begin making negative comparisons between yourself and other, force yourself to stop doing that immediately. Take your thoughts of yourself. Observe others and think of a compliment with which to start a conversation with someone.
5. If you are shy at work where there are many coworkers, choose the least intimidating person to the perhaps have coffee with or make casual small talk with.
6. Knows that if in effort to socialize sometimes is unsuccessful, it happens to everyone now and then. Feel proud of yourself for making the effort.
7. If you are required to give a report to a group, tell them that you feel nervous. This feeling is quite natural, and everyone can sympathize. Expressing that the group will make you feel better.
8. Think about your good qualities and believe that you are as good as anyone else,,, Because you are!
9. Take a course in developing self-confidence or read books on the subject.
Life is much more enjoyable for people who are not shy.
Berapa kali Anda merasa diri Anda sedikit pun marah karena kamu terlalu malu untuk berbicara ketika Anda benar-benar ingin memiliki percakapan dengan orang lain sedikit pun? Apakah kali pihak untuk berdiri di sudut dan menonton orang lain chatting dan tari-takut untuk bergabung dengan mereka? Apakah Anda mendengarkan diskusi tetapi tidak memberikan pendapat Anda karena Anda pikir Anda tidak cukup pintar? Anda berharap Anda bersikap ramah tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana? Semua pikiran mengarah pada perasaan tidak bahagia.
Semacam ini ketidakbahagiaan datang sekitar bukan karena orang lain yang ingin menyakiti kita. Kami membuat ketidakbahagiaan ini untuk diri kita sendiri. Tentu, kami benar-benar tidak menyakiti diri kita sendiri, tetapi sering kita kelompok Facebook berpikir kita tidak sebaik yang lain kita rendah, setiap orang baik, cerdas, dan lebih menarik. Ini pikiran negatif membuat kita malu. Mengapa kita melakukan ini untuk diri kita sendiri? Hanya seorang psikolog dapat menemukan alasan. Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa jumlah sangat besar orang yang pemalu. Namun ada, kabar baik. Jika kita ingin menyingkirkan rasa malu, hal itu dapat dilakukan.
Kami dapat membantu diri kita sendiri terbebas dari rasa malu. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna, dan semua orang memiliki kualitas yang baik. Apakah adil untuk memperhatikan ketidaksempurnaan kita dan mengabaikan kualitas baik kita? Tentu tidak! saran berikut mungkin membantu dalam mengurangi rasa malu.
1. Pertama, memahami bahwa kamu tidak bisa menghilangkan rasa malu semalam. Ini adalah proses lambat yang Anda harus bekerja secara bertahap.
2. Pikirkan tentang situasi ketika sedang pemalu yang paling menyakitkan. Mungkin masalah terbesar Anda adalah membuat pembicaraan kecil dengan orang asing di sebuah pesta. Dalam hal ini, mempersiapkan diri sedikit pun beberapa berita terbaru yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Cuaca adalah topik yang sering digunakan untuk memulai percakapan.
3. Mendapatkan orang lain untuk berbicara tentang diri sendiri adalah ide cerdas. Banyak orang senang berbicara tentang diri mereka sendiri-atau memberikan pendapat mereka. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat mengatakan sesuatu seperti, "Saya melihat Anda suka perhiasan modern; cincin Anda sangat luar biasa Apakah anda desain mereka sendiri?." Hal ini dapat menjadi awal persahabatan.
4. Setiap kali Anda mulai membuat perbandingan negatif antara diri sendiri dan lainnya, memaksa diri untuk berhenti melakukannya segera. Ambil pikiran Anda sendiri. lain Mengamati dan memikirkan pujian yang dapat digunakan untuk memulai percakapan dengan seseorang.
5. Jika Anda enggan bekerja di mana terdapat banyak rekan kerja, memilih orang yang paling menakutkan ke mungkin minum kopi dengan atau berbasa-basi dengan santai.
6. Tahu bahwa jika dalam usaha untuk mensosialisasikan kadang-kadang tidak berhasil, hal itu terjadi pada semua orang sekarang dan kemudian. Merasa bangga dengan diri Anda untuk membuat usaha.
7. Jika Anda diminta untuk memberikan laporan ke grup, mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa Anda merasa gugup. Perasaan ini sangat alami, dan setiap orang dapat bersimpati. Menyatakan bahwa kelompok akan membuat Anda merasa lebih baik.
8. Pikirkan tentang kualitas yang baik dan percaya bahwa Anda sebaik orang lain,,, Karena Anda adalah!
9. Ambil kursus dalam mengembangkan kepercayaan diri atau membaca buku-buku pada subjek.
Hidup jauh lebih menyenangkan bagi orang yang tidak pemalu.
Comprehension check
Are the following statements true or false? Circle the correct answer.
1. Not many people are shy. T F
2. Others make us shy. T F
3. Shy people have negative thoughts about themselves. T F
4. At a party, try to speak whit at least one person. This is a first step in fighting shyness. T F
5. Giving someone a compliment is good why to start small talk. T F
6. Shyness should be kept a secret T F
7. Every person has good qualities. T F
8. We can quickly eliminate shyness when we decide to do that. T F
9. We can reduce shyness whit a step-by-step plan. T F
10. Only perfect people are not shy. T F
Vocabulary Development
Fill in the blank whit appropriate words from the list to complete the following sentences.
Compliments Gradually
Current Intimidating
Discovered Naturally
Discussions Negative
Eliminate Observe
1. Yolanda was very sad when her cat died, and all her friends ___________whit her. They knew how much she loved her cat. (Sympathized)
2. Paul wants to become a doctor._____________, he has to go to school for many years and work very. (Gradually)
3. When Debbie said she wanted to go to china for two months, her family had many _______________ before deciding to let her go. (Discussions)
4. It is interesting to ______________ how students act on the first day of school. Some are relaxed, but most are shy and uncomfortable. (Observe)
5. Many little children sleep with a small light on in their rooms, because darkness is _______________to them. (Intimidating)
6. Kaisha didn’t like her new haircut at all, but she knew her hair would grow long again ________________. (Naturally)
7. When Maria goes to a party, she loves to get _______________ on her pretty dress. (Compliments)
8. Stephen loves to shop in department stores. He always gives away his clothes and wears the ______________ fashions. (Current)
9. Sra like to express her ________________ on everything even if nobody wants to hear them. Sometimes she is dislike because of this. (Opinions)
10. A grade of 100% is a _______________ score. It means that the student made no mistake on the test. (Perfect)
11. When Min Chen to Queens Collage, she ______________ that many people from her city in China were also students there. (Discovered)
12. When Carlos wanted to have a party for his wife, he asked for _______________ for interesting food to prepare. After many friends tried to help him, he decided to use his favorite old recipes. (Suggestions)
13. Applying to college means sending in an application, getting records from high school, writing your life story, and going for interviews. It is a long _______________, and it makes students nervous. (Process)
14. My friends think that smoking is a dirty and dangerous habit. I agree whit their _______________ opinion. (Negative)
15. People who want to lose weight should ______________ candy and ice cream from their diet. (Eliminate)
Word From
A. Fill in the blank with the word that completes each sentence correctly.
B. Write your own sentence, using the word you did not choose to fill in the blank.
1. Sympathy (noun) sympathize (verb)
Shy people can ______________ with others who are shy.
2. Natural (adjective) naturally (adverb)
It is ______________ for shy people to wish they were outgoing.
3. Compliment (verb/noun) complimentary (adjective)
A shy person feels uncomfortable when some make a _____________ remark.
4. Discuss (verb) discussion (noun)
Having ____________ about shyness can be helpful.
5. Current (adjective) currently (adverb)
_____________, there are several books in the library on the subject of shyness.
6. Perfect (adjective) perfection (noun)
No one should expect ______________ from himself our herself.
7. Suggest (verb) suggestions (noun)
Psychologist has many ______________ for overcoming shyness.
8. Discover (verb) discovery (noun)
By trying one suggestion at a time, a shy person wills _____________ he or she can
fight shyness.
9. Intimidate (verb) intimidating (adjective)
Choose a person who is not ____________ to invite for coffee and conversation.
How Wish I Weren’t Shy!
Preview the topic
How many times have you felt angry whit your self because you were too shy to speak up when you really wanted to have to conversation whit others person? Are parties times for standing in the corner and watching others chat and dance-afraid to join them? Do you listen to discussions but do not give your opinions because you think you are not smart enough? Do you wish you be friendly but don't know how? All these thoughts lead to unhappy feelings.
This kind of unhappiness comes about not because other people are trying to hurt us. We make this unhappiness for ourselves. Naturally, we really don't to hurt ourselves, but often we group up thinking we are not as good as others we are inferior, everyone is better, smarter, and more interesting. These negative thought make us shy. Why do we do this to ourselves? Only a psychologist can discover the reasons. It is interesting to note that very large numbers of people are shy. There is however, good news. If we want to get rid of shyness, it can be done.
We can help ourselves be rid of shyness. Nobody is perfect, and everybody has good qualities. Is it fair to pay attention to our imperfections and overlook our good qualities? Definitely not! The following suggestions may be helpful in reducing shyness.
1. First, understand that you cannot eliminate shyness overnight. It is a slow process that you must work in gradually.
2. Think about situations when being shy is most painful. Perhaps your biggest problem is making small talk with a stranger at a party. In that case, prepare yourself whit some interesting current news to talk about. The weather is a topic often used for starting conversations.
3. Getting the other person to talk about himself/herself is a clever idea. Many people enjoy talking about themselves-or giving their opinions. For example, you can say something like, "I notice you like modern jewelry; your rings are very unusual. Did you design them yourself?" This can be the start of a friendship.
4. Whenever you begin making negative comparisons between yourself and other, force yourself to stop doing that immediately. Take your thoughts of yourself. Observe others and think of a compliment with which to start a conversation with someone.
5. If you are shy at work where there are many coworkers, choose the least intimidating person to the perhaps have coffee with or make casual small talk with.
6. Knows that if in effort to socialize sometimes is unsuccessful, it happens to everyone now and then. Feel proud of yourself for making the effort.
7. If you are required to give a report to a group, tell them that you feel nervous. This feeling is quite natural, and everyone can sympathize. Expressing that the group will make you feel better.
8. Think about your good qualities and believe that you are as good as anyone else,,, Because you are!
9. Take a course in developing self-confidence or read books on the subject.
Life is much more enjoyable for people who are not shy.
Berapa kali Anda merasa diri Anda sedikit pun marah karena kamu terlalu malu untuk berbicara ketika Anda benar-benar ingin memiliki percakapan dengan orang lain sedikit pun? Apakah kali pihak untuk berdiri di sudut dan menonton orang lain chatting dan tari-takut untuk bergabung dengan mereka? Apakah Anda mendengarkan diskusi tetapi tidak memberikan pendapat Anda karena Anda pikir Anda tidak cukup pintar? Anda berharap Anda bersikap ramah tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana? Semua pikiran mengarah pada perasaan tidak bahagia.
Semacam ini ketidakbahagiaan datang sekitar bukan karena orang lain yang ingin menyakiti kita. Kami membuat ketidakbahagiaan ini untuk diri kita sendiri. Tentu, kami benar-benar tidak menyakiti diri kita sendiri, tetapi sering kita kelompok Facebook berpikir kita tidak sebaik yang lain kita rendah, setiap orang baik, cerdas, dan lebih menarik. Ini pikiran negatif membuat kita malu. Mengapa kita melakukan ini untuk diri kita sendiri? Hanya seorang psikolog dapat menemukan alasan. Sangat menarik untuk dicatat bahwa jumlah sangat besar orang yang pemalu. Namun ada, kabar baik. Jika kita ingin menyingkirkan rasa malu, hal itu dapat dilakukan.
Kami dapat membantu diri kita sendiri terbebas dari rasa malu. Tidak ada orang yang sempurna, dan semua orang memiliki kualitas yang baik. Apakah adil untuk memperhatikan ketidaksempurnaan kita dan mengabaikan kualitas baik kita? Tentu tidak! saran berikut mungkin membantu dalam mengurangi rasa malu.
1. Pertama, memahami bahwa kamu tidak bisa menghilangkan rasa malu semalam. Ini adalah proses lambat yang Anda harus bekerja secara bertahap.
2. Pikirkan tentang situasi ketika sedang pemalu yang paling menyakitkan. Mungkin masalah terbesar Anda adalah membuat pembicaraan kecil dengan orang asing di sebuah pesta. Dalam hal ini, mempersiapkan diri sedikit pun beberapa berita terbaru yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Cuaca adalah topik yang sering digunakan untuk memulai percakapan.
3. Mendapatkan orang lain untuk berbicara tentang diri sendiri adalah ide cerdas. Banyak orang senang berbicara tentang diri mereka sendiri-atau memberikan pendapat mereka. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat mengatakan sesuatu seperti, "Saya melihat Anda suka perhiasan modern; cincin Anda sangat luar biasa Apakah anda desain mereka sendiri?." Hal ini dapat menjadi awal persahabatan.
4. Setiap kali Anda mulai membuat perbandingan negatif antara diri sendiri dan lainnya, memaksa diri untuk berhenti melakukannya segera. Ambil pikiran Anda sendiri. lain Mengamati dan memikirkan pujian yang dapat digunakan untuk memulai percakapan dengan seseorang.
5. Jika Anda enggan bekerja di mana terdapat banyak rekan kerja, memilih orang yang paling menakutkan ke mungkin minum kopi dengan atau berbasa-basi dengan santai.
6. Tahu bahwa jika dalam usaha untuk mensosialisasikan kadang-kadang tidak berhasil, hal itu terjadi pada semua orang sekarang dan kemudian. Merasa bangga dengan diri Anda untuk membuat usaha.
7. Jika Anda diminta untuk memberikan laporan ke grup, mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa Anda merasa gugup. Perasaan ini sangat alami, dan setiap orang dapat bersimpati. Menyatakan bahwa kelompok akan membuat Anda merasa lebih baik.
8. Pikirkan tentang kualitas yang baik dan percaya bahwa Anda sebaik orang lain,,, Karena Anda adalah!
9. Ambil kursus dalam mengembangkan kepercayaan diri atau membaca buku-buku pada subjek.
Hidup jauh lebih menyenangkan bagi orang yang tidak pemalu.
Comprehension check
Are the following statements true or false? Circle the correct answer.
1. Not many people are shy. T F
2. Others make us shy. T F
3. Shy people have negative thoughts about themselves. T F
4. At a party, try to speak whit at least one person. This is a first step in fighting shyness. T F
5. Giving someone a compliment is good why to start small talk. T F
6. Shyness should be kept a secret T F
7. Every person has good qualities. T F
8. We can quickly eliminate shyness when we decide to do that. T F
9. We can reduce shyness whit a step-by-step plan. T F
10. Only perfect people are not shy. T F
Vocabulary Development
Fill in the blank whit appropriate words from the list to complete the following sentences.
Compliments Gradually
Current Intimidating
Discovered Naturally
Discussions Negative
Eliminate Observe
1. Yolanda was very sad when her cat died, and all her friends ___________whit her. They knew how much she loved her cat. (Sympathized)
2. Paul wants to become a doctor._____________, he has to go to school for many years and work very. (Gradually)
3. When Debbie said she wanted to go to china for two months, her family had many _______________ before deciding to let her go. (Discussions)
4. It is interesting to ______________ how students act on the first day of school. Some are relaxed, but most are shy and uncomfortable. (Observe)
5. Many little children sleep with a small light on in their rooms, because darkness is _______________to them. (Intimidating)
6. Kaisha didn’t like her new haircut at all, but she knew her hair would grow long again ________________. (Naturally)
7. When Maria goes to a party, she loves to get _______________ on her pretty dress. (Compliments)
8. Stephen loves to shop in department stores. He always gives away his clothes and wears the ______________ fashions. (Current)
9. Sra like to express her ________________ on everything even if nobody wants to hear them. Sometimes she is dislike because of this. (Opinions)
10. A grade of 100% is a _______________ score. It means that the student made no mistake on the test. (Perfect)
11. When Min Chen to Queens Collage, she ______________ that many people from her city in China were also students there. (Discovered)
12. When Carlos wanted to have a party for his wife, he asked for _______________ for interesting food to prepare. After many friends tried to help him, he decided to use his favorite old recipes. (Suggestions)
13. Applying to college means sending in an application, getting records from high school, writing your life story, and going for interviews. It is a long _______________, and it makes students nervous. (Process)
14. My friends think that smoking is a dirty and dangerous habit. I agree whit their _______________ opinion. (Negative)
15. People who want to lose weight should ______________ candy and ice cream from their diet. (Eliminate)
Word From
A. Fill in the blank with the word that completes each sentence correctly.
B. Write your own sentence, using the word you did not choose to fill in the blank.
1. Sympathy (noun) sympathize (verb)
Shy people can ______________ with others who are shy.
2. Natural (adjective) naturally (adverb)
It is ______________ for shy people to wish they were outgoing.
3. Compliment (verb/noun) complimentary (adjective)
A shy person feels uncomfortable when some make a _____________ remark.
4. Discuss (verb) discussion (noun)
Having ____________ about shyness can be helpful.
5. Current (adjective) currently (adverb)
_____________, there are several books in the library on the subject of shyness.
6. Perfect (adjective) perfection (noun)
No one should expect ______________ from himself our herself.
7. Suggest (verb) suggestions (noun)
Psychologist has many ______________ for overcoming shyness.
8. Discover (verb) discovery (noun)
By trying one suggestion at a time, a shy person wills _____________ he or she can
fight shyness.
9. Intimidate (verb) intimidating (adjective)
Choose a person who is not ____________ to invite for coffee and conversation.
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